General Peckem's communications about cleanliness and procrastination made Major Major feel like a filthy procrastinator. 佩克姆将军谈到清洁和拖延的那些简报,使梅杰少校感到自己象一个邋遢的、作风拖拉的家伙。
This is also a great help if you are a procrastinator. 如果你是一个拖拉的人,这样会对你很有帮助。
13 excellence
His art has reached a high degree of excellence.他的艺术已达到炉火纯青的地步。
My performance is far below excellence.我的表演离优秀还差得远呢。
14 panorama
A vast panorama of the valley lay before us.山谷的广阔全景展现在我们面前。
A flourishing and prosperous panorama spread out before our eyes.一派欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们的眼前。
- 英语美文点亮智慧人生39:Life Is All
- 英语美文点亮智慧人生40:The Old Fish
- 英语美文点亮智慧人生41:A Moment of
- 英语美文点亮智慧人生42:A Perfect He
- 英语美文点亮智慧人生43:Cherish as G